Cdl_convert Beta Release

- - posted in cdl_convert, color

The last few months I’ve been working on a python module that works as both a simple script to convert between ASC ColorDecisionList formats, and a fully fledged Python API.

The module can be installed with pip via the pypi repo:

pip install cdl_convert    

Or you can grab the source on github.

It’s got full documentation at ReadTheDocs, and we use issue tracking on github.

It’s mostly feature complete now- the only features it lacks are:

  • Parse CMX EDL
  • Parse OCIOCDLs in .nk scripts
  • Write OCIOCDLs into .nk scripts
  • Generate a Nuke node (if called from within a Nuke session)

The rest are bug fixes.

Sample Script Usage

This will take a FLEx file, named big_edl_with_cdls.flex, and convert it to individual cc files.

cdl_convert big_edl_with_cdls.flex -o .cc

Sample API usage

Parsing a file from disk:

>>> cc = cdl_convert.parse_file('./xf/')
>>> cc.slope
(Decimal('1.02401'), Decimal('1.00804'), Decimal('0.89562'))
>>> cc.offset
(Decimal('-0.00864'), Decimal('-0.00261'), Decimal('0.03612'))
>>> cc.power
(Decimal('1.0'), Decimal('1.0'), Decimal('1.0'))
>>> cc.sat
>>> cc.file_in

Or create one from scratch and attach it to a collection:

>>> from decimal import Decimal
>>> coll = cdl_convert.ColorCollection()
>>> cc = cdl_convert.ColorCorrection('myUniqueId')
>>> cc.slope = [1, 2, 3]
>>> cc.offset = (
>>> cc.power = (1.243, 4.53, 9.23572)
>>> cc.sat = '6.7'
>>> coll.append_child(cc)
>>> print coll.xml
<ColorCorrectionCollection xmlns="urn:ASC:CDL:v1.01">
    <ColorCorrection id="myUniqueId">
            <Slope>1.0 2.0 3.0</Slope>
            <Offset>2334.3789378921378901921738979 3789.32789137891278947891478912738972198731289 0.000000000000000000000000000000000001</Offset>
            <Power>1.243 4.53 9.23572</Power>

>>> coll.set_to_cdl()
>>> print coll.xml
<ColorDecisionList xmlns="urn:ASC:CDL:v1.01">
        <ColorCorrection id="myUniqueId">
                <Slope>1.0 2.0 3.0</Slope>
                <Offset>2334.3789378921378901921738979 3789.32789137891278947891478912738972198731289 0.000000000000000000000000000000000001</Offset>
                <Power>1.243 4.53 9.23572</Power>

Share, enjoy and give feedback.

Did I mention the test suite with glorious 100% coverage?